U'L B OK.... As I was driving to the dry cleaners today at lunch, this was on the license plate on the car in front of me. A sign? I hope so. :)
U'L B OK.... As I was driving to the dry cleaners today at lunch, this was on the license plate on the car in front of me. A sign? I hope so. :)
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Today was gorgeous and warm. I found these blooming in the back yard. Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers. They almost look like they have little faces. Also, one of the first signs of Spring, my favorite season. They make me happy. I hope it is a sign of things looking up after a long winter. On adoption news, the agency has warned me, with the new laws in Vietnam, that the referrals may not go exactly in list order--that log-in dates may come in to play as well. They cannot yet verify our log-in date though. They think it is sometime in the second week of Feb., but will not be able to verify until our facilitator gets back from VN at the end of this month (if then). They are not sure just how the new system will work yet. One thing to know about me is I do not take easily to change that was not necessarily initiated by me. So for some reason I always look at those changes as bad--when it could be that these changes bring us more referrals. This is an unfortunate trait to have for this process. :) I need the list to watch my progress....Yay for Spring, Boo for the unknown of the list's validity..... Hopefully Spring will bring lots of referrals for everyone and lots of good news. I am going to do my best to stay positive.
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Ha, I have been reminded in a not very subtle way by my friend Em that it has been a while since I updated! I can't believe it has been so long--I have had a couple of very swamped weeks at work--you know, the ones when you forget to eat lunch until you realize it's already like 4 o'clock--and have been getting home late trying to meet some deadlines. Too much to do in too little time lately, but we are seriously realizing we need to hire another person--we all are getting a little crispy!! I am very worried about how this is going to pan out after we have the baby--we will have to adjust somehow and do what is best for our family. This type of load will just not work when she becomes our top priority. I am able to work from home some, so hopefully I can just cut way back on this crazy schedule and let someone else take over for a while. I worry about it every day. I just need to have faith that it all will work out and we will figure out the best solution. Anyway, I have just been exhausted and add to the working on the house all weekend, and it's even doubled.
Not much news in the world of adoption either, so I have been a bit uninspired. We so need to see some movement--there haven't been any referrals in so long, but word from the agency is they are expecting some soon. The bad news seems to be that my feeling that we might get a referral in May sometime probably will not come to pass........I just don't see how our number will come up by then. I have been really trying not to dwell on it and just concentrate on making it through one day at a time, and that day will be here before we know it.
I did have a fun get together last Friday with fellow PAP Em to visit Jenny and her twin girls--so nice for each of us to have a sweetie to play with to get our baby fix. We are both now even more addicted to the thought of twins, of course! :) A hard job, I am sure, but rewarding though! On family news, my little nephew is getting close to his due date, so we will have a new member of the family soon--I heard from my brother tonight that he is already a strapping little guy and he has almost a month more to go until we expect arrival.
Just wanted to let anyone still interested know I am still kicking! I will try to post more soon ! Have made some handmade baby purchases and we are moving into electrical phase on the downstairs...moving in the right direction!
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Once upon a time there was a couple who dreamed of adopting a little girl....their search has led them to Vietnam, where they hope their little one will wait for them while they wait to finally meet her ................ This is our story. Follow with us while it unfolds.........