Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well, I am off to the beach this weekend with a couple of my college friends to attend a wedding of one of our other friends. Yay! Should be fun once we finally get there--It seems we are trying to cram a lot into a weekend, so hopefully it won't be too hectic. I would love a nice, relaxing beach weekend. We have quite a few weddings coming up....this is just the first of 3 weddings and 2 graduations between now and Mother's day. Whew!

We have been trying to make progress on our plumbing, but it's going much slower than the electrical--we have been fortunate to have the help of M's dad and uncle. It would be sssssooooooo nice to come back on Sunday and have it almost complete. NOT pretty clean work though--we are having to go ahead and run future pipes for a future kitchen-turned-master-bath as well as replace existing, so it can get a bit confusing. I have pretty much been on the sidlines for this phase and ducking out for various wedding showers.

Also, I found out last night that my new little nephew and SIL will be joining my brother and niece out to visit and attend our stepsister's wedding in May. Yay! I was afraid he would be walking before I got to see him. They had found an irregular hearbeat and that is what we were worried about, but they have done tests and thankfully everything seems to be okay. Good news indeed.
No real news in adoptionland--we are reportedly number 9 on the list at the moment. Still waiting and trying to keep busy (which has not been hard-the busy part, that is).....

I'll say an early "Have a good weekend" to everyone!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Cutie Pie

Check out the little smirk! Finally got pics Saturday of the newest little addition to our family--they took long enough! Shame on them! :) I think he is sooooooo cute, but then again I am a proud aunt! He is still in the hospital, though we are hoping he will be released mid-week. It seems they may have discovered another health issue, but they are still monitoring him to find out for sure. If you would like to say a small prayer for my little sweet nephew, it would be appreciated.

I am so upset by the horrible tragedy at Va Tech today--our friend is attending graduate school there, as well as her sister, an undergrad. Luckily, they were both away from the school today and safely out of town. I just can't stop thinking about it--so sad---32 people gone at the hand of one unstable person.....Why?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Nephew has landed!

Well, he finally arrived yesterday (via VBAC!) and mom and baby are doing well. When he was born, his lungs were full of fluid and he and SIL both had a fever, so they are keeping him in the NICU :( for a few days to test him again and make sure there is no infection. My brother said he is doing well and they can scrub up and go in and visit and touch him, just a precautionary measure to make sure before they let him go home....hopefully he will check out fine and be able to go home this weekend..

Drumroll please......... His name is Caimin Royal M------- Named after the Irish Saint Caimin (whose Feast Day is around his birthday) and Royal is a family name. So he's here and he has a name! We have yet to see pics, as my brother had been up for 30 hours and was wiped out when I talked to him--hopefully we will get a peek soon! BTW, he was a whopping 22 inches long!!!!!!!

Welcome to the world, little Caimin!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Still No Baby Nephew Yet

Well, I gotta give SIL an 'A' for effort...When she got to the hospital this a.m., her water broke, so they cancelled the scheduled cesarean and now they are trying to let her progress on her own with some helpful meds and hoping she delivers by morning ......Man, this little baby is taking his sweet time!

**Just got an update and she is progressing well, so hopefully he'll be here by morning. Go G- You can do it! :)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy B'day to my Hubs!!!

Today, A birthday shout out to my dear hubby-- Happy Birthday to Matt! We both had the day off today and had a leisurely day of errands and dream shopping for house speakers and a new digital camera (bought neither) and then to dinner with M's dad and stepmom to a very yummy restaurant near our house. I am always the most excited to see his birthday come around because from Oct to April, he is six years younger than me (yes, I robbed the cradle) :) and after his birthday, it is back down to five. I like the sound of that better..... it was nice to not spend a day off working on the house.

Also, the nephew has STILL not arrived! For a bit there, we thought he might be sharing hubby's b'day. SIL talked the doc into letting her celebrate Easter (she pulled the religion card) and give her until tomorrow morning (their time, noonish our time) so unless he comes during the night, he will be arriving via cesarean around lunch tomorrow. I just talked to them and my brother was watching as she was walking up and down the 30 degree incline hill down their back yard to try to push the labor--ha,ha--my 2 year old niece was being prompted to yell, "go mommy, you can do it!" A funny picture in my head.... As for a name, he is currently being called "baby boy", but I have been told the front runner--I will wait to post it until he has been officially named, just in case they change their mind after meeting him--they are still on the fence for the middle name...

I just read this post on another blog and I thought it was so insightful. There is so much debate about the SAHM v. the working mom and she is right, there is no one right answer and the key is to support each other and not judge another family's decisions based on what you think is right for you. I thought she did a nice job of giving the view from all sides--thanks, Dianna.

I'll fill you in on "Baby Boy"'s arrival tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

No Nephew yet.....

Well, I had hoped I would have posted before now that we have a new nephew and unveil the name that I got so many good suggestions for from you guys.........but he is being a little stubborn about making his appearance! My SIL has her heart set on a VBAC, but they will only allow her to go a week after her due date before she will have to have another cesarean, So if he doesn't come before then, he is scheduled to arrive on Friday. SIL had big plans today for church (to pray), accupucture, and walking up hills, all in her quest to start labor before then. Thank you so much for all the name suggestions!! I really did pass them along, so I will let you know as soon as I get the news!! I'm just praying he arrives safely and everything goes smoothly!

In adoption news, we are number 10 on the list...Woohoo! Hopefully, now that things are starting to roll after the new changes have gone into effect, we will see some more activity. I asked our coordinator what her best guess would be for our referral, and she guesses around late summer.....but, it's only a guess and only time will tell.

In renovation news, we have lights! We now have can lights shining all through the kitchen, breakfast, dining and living room. We even have new flood lights outside. I'm sure we were a sight out there that night testing the motion detector......Matt on the ladder and me dancing around trying to see where I set off the light. It is soooo nice since we have been without power downstairs for so long during the rewiring mess. We will have to wait a bit for the outlets--they have to go in our baseboards which have yet to go back up. But, ahhhh, the small joys of life! Lights! :)