Hi ho, hi ho--it's off to fingerprinting (AGAIN) we go...
Well, we are off in the morning to drive the 3 hours to Charlotte and 3 hours back to get our fingerprints renewed so we will be good for another 15 mos! Hopefully nothing in our fingers has changed in the last 13 mos and it will be quick and painless. Before we leave in the morning we have the HVAC guy coming to take a look and give us another estimate to put in A/C downstairs and the roof guy to fix a leak in our slate roof before we close everything up in sheetrock (hopefully very soon). Busy times, as usual.
Glad to know there are still a few of you out there still checking in--thanks for the comments! The new word on travel (not much) is that they predict that our travel date could be sometime between Thanksgiving and the first weeks of Dec.-keeps pushing out a bit with every check in-Sounding an awful lot like we may be spending the holiday in VN--I have a feeling. As these things always seem to take longer than predicted in the first place, I'd say it's pretty likely. As long as we get to VN before Christmas, I can deal. We still have so much to do on the house and our "Christmas haul" from house to house (We have 4 sets of parents alone) can reach 5 stops in a day and is exhausting and we actually dread it every year as it draws closer, so it could be a good thing. But I sure would like to meet our girl sooner than that and I would rather spend it at home instead of a hotel--that is the down side. The last couple of days have had me extremely down in the dumps for some reason--ya know, the ole' adoption roller coaster with it's ups and downs! My college buddies and I are getting together for a baby shower for me on Sunday, so something to look forward to!
Thanks for the comment! I hope you getword of travel soon!
I really hope you get to travel and be home for Christmas. But either way, it will still be a great Christmas, whether it be in Vietnam or home! You'll finally be with your little buttercup.
Have fun at your shower. I hope you travel in early December. We were there for Christmas last year, and it was pretty cool. It is a great time of year to be there because it is not near as hot. So, that is something to look forward to!
I bet you will travel the same as we did, especially since the girls all have the same b-day!
I hope the calls for you and for em come soo soon!!!
I do know that my agency is trying hard not to have anyone travel any time over christmas so if you do end up there, maybe there won't be the delays like last year!
Whoa to living 3 hours from where you have to go to get your prints done. Yikes. She has beautiful eyes :)
I hope you are in Vietnam for Christmas, what an amazing Christmas gift that would be.
I hope you are in Vietnam for Christmas, what an amazing Christmas gift that would be.
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