Hello from Taipei!
Hi, All!
We made it to Taipei and are just waiting to board our flight to Saigon--We are at the Hello K*tty gate-it is pretty adorable. Hello Ki*tty everywhere and complete with a store and a playground. This is the first airport we have found a good internet connection. We are doing well--our flight was very long, but the service was great and coach wasn't too terrible! That is about as long as I ever want to stay on a plane, though! We are still wondering how it will be with a baby on our laps though--very different, I'm sure. I don't think any of this has quite fully set in yet--I think it is beginning to......We are with most of our travel group, so that is really nice. Well, better get back to the Hello K*tty gate and get ready to board for our last flight for the day! We are almost there! One more three hour flight and we land in the long awaited Vietnam....Till then, love to all!
So excited for you! Can't wait until you have your baby in your arms.
yeah kim. i have been checking in all night.
you are getting close!
Almost there! So glad the long flight went smoothly. Can't wait to follow your journey.
I'm SO excited for you! I know what it's like trying to get ready to leave on short notice. I had two days! It's amazing what you can get done in a short period of time when you're properly motivated, huh? :o)
Glad your flight was fine, although very long. I'll check your blog often for updates. Can't wait to hear Buttercup is forever in your arms. Looking forward to lots of photos, too!
Conor and I were figuring out your journey all day. We would look at the clock and try to figure out where you were! It is like we are living through you again. Especially with a baby who has the same b-day!!!!!
We can't wait to read and wish you the best of luck traveling to get your sweet sweet baby!!!! Can't freaking wait til your G&R!
love from here---Jenny, Mimi, Cams and Conor!!!
Matt and Kim,
I am so glad you are finally there. You know how I worry!!! Please give my sweet little granddaughter a big kiss from Grandmama and Granddaddy Strub.
We love you and can't wait for you to come home.
Couldn't wait to get this post! So excited you are safe and almost there. The "furry babies" are fine but miss you...they "talk" to me nonstop. They love M's room! Can't wait for the next post. We love you and love being able to follow your journey. Can't wait 'til I see M's little face on the screen in the loving arms of her mommy and daddy.
We love you, Mimi and PJ
Thanks for the update Kim and can't wait to hear about your first meeting with your baby girl!!! Please post pictures when you can.
Kim & Matt,
We are so very excited for you guys. What a new and wonderful life for the three of you!
Thank you for taking us with you on your journey and for keeping us updated. We are anxious to receive pictures of the three of you.
Be safe and hurry home.
We love you.
Dad & Debbie
Oh how close, by now you should be even closer to Buttercup!
You're almost there...and we can't wait for the new Sprague clan to be almost back here :)
Can't tell you how happy I am for you. Thanks to your mom for letting me keep up with your very special adventure. Love you
Hi Guys!!
I am so excited for you and Baby M!! Can't wait to see the pictures!
Enjoy every moment ~ this is just the beginning of so many firsts! :)
We love you and know that we are thinking of you !
Bill, Pam, Heather and Brad
Waiting for Buttercup has truly been a journey! A new journey is about to begin and Marin is a lucky little one to have the two of you along. God bless the Sprague Family. Lots of love to you! YaYa and Pops
Hi Kim, I didn't get a chance to email before you left - I am so excited for you and I can't wait to hear EVERYTHING about your journey. By the time you read this you will have seen your beautiful baby, or will be just about to! I hope you are having a great time. You have some awesome travel partners and I know you will all have a wonderful trip.
I can't believe you guys are on your way! I got goosebumps when I found out you were leaving like THE NEXT DAY! I just learned of your blog (I'm sure you're a better blogger than I am). I'm thinking of you both and sending nothing but the best thoughts and prayers your way for a safe and speedy return!
So happy to hear you are both on your way and I am sure there by now. We are all thinking about all three of you! Keep us posted! Miss you already!
We are thinking of you and are SOOOO excited!!!!! We can't wait to see little baby M!!!!!
Hi guys!
I'm sure your there by now and have your hands all over your sweet baby girl!! Ayla is doing great and Kayli of course giving her losts of love. The cats have gotten used to her at this point. The first day she hardly ate, but she is eating like a champ now. We love and miss you! Ayla sends doggie kisses to momma and daddy. can't wait to see pics!!
Love, Karra, Rick, and Kayli
Hey Kim & Matt, so glad to hear you guys had a safe trip. We are very excited to hear about your first meeting with Marin and how things are going! Have fun and give her lots of hugs & kisses from us. love ya, Chad & Becki
Do you have her? Is she yours??
We are dying over here and need some news!
thinking of you. -Jenny
Hey Duff and Matt,
I was hoping that this would be updated and I'd see that you now have Marin. I'm hopeing that everything has just been happening so fast that you haven't had a chance to write. Can't wait to hear all the details. Here in Raleighwood, our new little one has been taken off his oxygen which is great. We still don't know when he can come home. Can't wait for both of our babies to meet each other! Cindi
pictures por favor. comeon...find a new adaptor. auntie em is dying!
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