Man, are we parents now...

Whew, we have had our roughest night and day since becoming parents--I have now listened to hours of blood curdling screaming, been thrown up on and projectile pooped on. Evidently we had tummy issues last night, but at the time we had no idea what could be wrong, but that she was NOT a happy camper. It was very hard and at those times, you start wondering if you were cut out for this--it can really get to you. At one point last night, I was just hoping she would exhaust herself from screaming and go to sleep, as nothing we could do was helping. Finally, I think that happened when Matt finally put her in the crib and just rubbed her back and she passed out. This morning did not lend itself the usually happy baby we had gotten used to either, and figured either is was greiving finally setting in, or the fact that we hadn't gotten a poop in the last day or so. :)
Chalk it up to not knowing the lanquage when you buy baby formula added to the fact that she is on medication that can upset the fine balance of an infants tum-tum. When we went to the store the other day to buy more formula, we thought we were buying a smaller can of what we had been feeding her (at the orphanage too), but on further inspection at the store yesterday, we realized we had accidently bought formula for a one to three year old (they seem to have lots of toddler formulas here, right with the other kind). OOps--the can labels looked almost the same, except evidently one was level 2 and we meant to get step 2--honest mistake,right!? Hey, we are new at this, and all the labels are in Vietnamese! Evidently either the formula change or the antibiotic or both did not sit well with her digestion. Well, in her crazy fits last night, she worked herself up so much, she threw up all over me, herself and the bed. That was fun. Then today, after our outing and she was still a little fussy, and just not herself--we took her temp, and no fever, so we decided it was probably the lack of pooping issue and gave her a tiny bit of infant laxative--about an hour later, we acheived what we all had been waiting for when she started grunting! We waited until we thought she was done to change her diaper, but when Matt went to change her it became evident she was not in fact done, and the diaper started to overfloweth--I ran to help, and while Matt ran to get a back up, I moved it away and was shot in the leg with you-know-what. I think she smiled. It was pretty funny, actually when all said and done and everybody was clean again. I know she will love reading this when she is 16. :)
Yesterday we doodled around in the room with fussy baby, and then at the appointed time, headed out with some others to take our laundry to a place the dads had found the day before near the city center. They were picking up, and we were dropping off, so we all went together. Interesting to say the least, it is so different how you can be on a busy street, with modern stores and then turn down a narrow lane and you will find women making food on little stoves by the sidewalk and just intimate daily life going on right at your feet. Many people live in the same shops that they work out of, by just pulling out a mat, so all of it is so intertwined. The "Laundry Place" turns out to be a tiny little 8' (if that) wide stall with a bike parked in front, that blocked the whole front, and the little lady comes out and weighs your dirty duds and charges you by the kilo. I think our good-size bag came out to be around 111,000 dong, which is around $7. Pretty good deal, seeing the hotel charges that for two items. I have been washing alot of small things in the sink in the room, like some baby clothes and diapers we use for burp cloths. I think I wash 6 of those a day. Word to people who will be traveling soon-bring extra, and bring the one-ply kind, not the pre-folded, as it takes everything a long time to dry in this humidity. You can get laundry soap at the store here, but I brought these little travel sizes that are the size of a travel shampoo (All Small & Mighty) and I'm glad I did.
When we got back yesterday, we walked down the street exploring a bit, the sidewalks here are pretty hard to navigate--there are scooters, raised grates, concrete debris and carts with things for sell all taking precidence over the area meant to walk--also, if the traffic is heavy people will drive their scooters right up on the sidewalk to get around it. We walked about a mile toward a baby shop I had seen when we were in a cab, but decided it was too far when we got to a certain point--the smog is really heavy and I had the baby in the Bjorn with a burp cloth over her mouth and nose. We realized today in the shuttle downtown that it was right around the corner from where we turned around--Oh, well, I may cab it next time. We ended up back at the mall with the "Big C", which was quite packed this time--I guess most everyone grocery shops on Sundays! Couldn't stand it for too long, so we had another coffee and Highland Coffee and headed back to the hotel--then we ordered room service again and (see above) ensued.
To go to the laundry place, the hotel shuttle drops us off at a place called Saigon Centre, another little mall with some upscale shops and cafes. That is where we bought M the new stuffed piggy and a couple of cute dresses that we paid more for than we would have in the States, but we can say they came from Vietnam-we are trying to buy her some things from her homeland that we can give her for future birthdays and such. The challenge is to keep them pack-friendly. :) There are so many things I would get if getting it back was not such an issue.
Well, after the poop, it looks like we have our baby back--for a while there I thought she had been replaced by the chick from the Excorc*st. She is a silly little thing with a sense of humor already.
Must go to bed now, but I am composing a post of Buttercup tidbits--little things we are finding out about our little girlie-girl.....
We are trying for a trip to Ben Thanh market tomorrow--we are running out of time in our stay in Saigon and we need to see a few things--if the little one is up to it, of course! New pics are on the Flickr site, so feel free to check them out--hopefully we can take some more tomorrow--haven't gotten out of the room a whole lot in the last day or so, unless it was to a little mall. :)
Matt & baby are sleeping......must get there too.....G'night!
Thanks for the update! Sounds like for the most part things are going well and you are enjoying your time there! Sorry to hear that the little one was sick, glad to hear you were able to clean everything up and get back to normal!She is absolutely adorable!
That baby is on her way to being a fashion guru!!
Wow, only Kim can write a post that makes me cry and laugh in the same 10 minutes. I am sorry that you had to go through all that with little M, but I guess all new parents have to go through their "dues" and fair share of bodily fluids finding their way on to them. :)
Sounds like a rough night. No matter how seasoned a parent you are, EVERYTHING is magnified at 3:00 am!! Hope she's doing better now. We're looking forward to meeting the little youngster.
She's definately breaking you in, it sounds like! I'm sorry you had such a rough night,but it sounds like you are getting the hang of it. Of course I cried when I saw the pics of ya'll with her. You both just look so happy.
Love you guys,
K, R and K
Heather wanted me to tell you HELLO!! Congrats and Marin is such a cutie pie - She can't wait to meet her!
I had to laugh at your wonderful descriptions ~ Miss M has a set of lungs AND a powerful poop! Gotta love it! :)
Hope that she is feeling better ~
Love all the new pictures! She is too darn cute as my Mom would say :)
Love you all!
thanks for the update. that story is classic!!!
enjoy your time, it goes by soo quickly-Jenny
thanks for the update. that story is classic!!!
enjoy your time, it goes by soo quickly-Jenny
K&M and Missy M,
I have been waiting for this post! An accomplished designer?--you're also a wonderful writer! So sorry that Missy M is not feeling well but now sounds that hopefully she is back on track. Easy mistake and first of many..but they all work out. She is the cutest little cherub--I can tell the personality is very much there. Seeing her makes me both cry and laugh! Her expression, looking at you both speaks volumns! Bought her an adorable sweater today, couldn't resist!
Take care, hope you all have a fun day and a better night. I know you love to shop and make three rounds (as B says), but might need to cut back to one! Need a baby sitter for a parents night out? You have our number!!!!!
Love you three,
Mimi and PJ
Hi Guys,
Sounds like a night we've had before. You all aren't new at this, you've had plenty of practice with your niece and nephew. You're naturals! Just remember that as much change as baby Marin is going through right now, it is bound to be bumpy. This is just a friendly reminder of how much she needs you (and will for a long time, thank goodness). Can't wait to meet her. Let us know when you're heading back this way. We'll have a nice comfy nest for her back in California.
Love, Brent, Gina, Dav & Caimin
She is such a doll - love that wonderful smile! Your posts are truly wonderful and we love reading about your adventures in Vietnam.
Christy K
Baby k is in Bac Ninh CFC 11/9/07
Kim & Matt,
So glad that you guys survived your first night as parents with a sick baby! If only they could talk and tell you what was wrong, you would gladly stand on your head if it would help! Sounds like you guys have things under control now.
We can hardly wait for you to get home and show off Little Miss "M".
Love you!
Dad & Debbie
Sounds like a few nights we had with Miss Paisley while we were there! You will love that market with all it's bargains! We could barely hold everything I bought. Just don't go down the fish isle!!!
Welcome to parenthood! I can remember holding Kayli over the toilet for round 2 of the throwing up exp. when she was a baby. Your little girl is sooo... cute. One thought I had as I reading the update was FedEx. You could send some of those things from Vietnam back home or to someone here. Ayla's doing great. I can't wait to see you guys when you get back (and get my hands on that baby). Later
Hi Kiminy and Matt! We've been in Vail for a week so I've been without internet access. I'm SO excited for you. We're ready to come for a visit... you just tell me when. Libby Gray can't wait to meet her new BFF! We love you guys.
Kim & Matt,
We just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you taking all of us on your journey with all of the pictures and postings. We are so happy to share your wild ride!
I don't know any two that could handle things better than you and Matt. I am glad to see that you are introducing Miss M. to shopping, maybe she will be ready for our day after Christmas shopping marathon next year!
Take care and have fun with your daughter!
Dad & Debbie
Wow, I know it was hard but that made me laugh......welcome to parenthood! It will get easier. I'm glad you're getting to see some of the sights....our little one is now at home. :) Can't wait for you to get home too...make sure to have lots of food for her for the flight home. Cindi
Hi guys,
Just got back from some Mom & daughter time with Linds.(birthdays)
She was rollin' as she read the blog-she's not sure she could handle that stuff. As we are coming to expect, the photos are wonderful. I love to see Princess M giggle and her wardrobe must be endless! Sending lots of love your way - Lynne (Y & P)
Your new baby girl will bring you all kinds of new experiences! Things you can't (and shouldn't ;)) handle from any other human being on earth... you can handle from her like a pro! Great Job, Mom & Dad! Oh, what an awesome journey, Kim... I'm so excited for you! And only you can tell the little stories in a way that just cracks me up - just like always!! I hope you keep journaling for her, so that she can look back and see what an awesome mommy she really has and the amazing adventures in the "Life of Miss M"!! - Christy
I'm quite sure it wasn't pleasant at the time, but that story made me grin. Just know that it will not be the last time you get pooped or thrown up on. Trust me. The main thing is that your little Buttercup feels better. Tummy troubles are certainly tough, and I hope she doesn't have any more issues while in VN.
Love all the pictures. Your sweet girl is perfect!
That sounded like one tough night! I guess parenting a little one requires a lot of learning on the job. Your poop story was quite funny though and I'm glad Marin is feeling better. Thanks for keeping us up to date and we can't wait to meet Marin! Love you guys, Chad & Becki
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