Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Nephew has landed!

Well, he finally arrived yesterday (via VBAC!) and mom and baby are doing well. When he was born, his lungs were full of fluid and he and SIL both had a fever, so they are keeping him in the NICU :( for a few days to test him again and make sure there is no infection. My brother said he is doing well and they can scrub up and go in and visit and touch him, just a precautionary measure to make sure before they let him go home....hopefully he will check out fine and be able to go home this weekend..

Drumroll please......... His name is Caimin Royal M------- Named after the Irish Saint Caimin (whose Feast Day is around his birthday) and Royal is a family name. So he's here and he has a name! We have yet to see pics, as my brother had been up for 30 hours and was wiped out when I talked to him--hopefully we will get a peek soon! BTW, he was a whopping 22 inches long!!!!!!!

Welcome to the world, little Caimin!!!


Dianna said...

Congratulations on your new nephew!!! And I love his name - how sweet. I've been anxiously checking your blog for days now *lol*

Anonymous said...


Caimo said...

hey, congratulations from another Caimin - very few of us around, which is how I found your site :) A useful phrase to teach your nephew is "you know like the islands, only spelled differently" - it's come in handy for me, and I live in Ireland!
